How to Find “The One”
Gordon Avery
It was once said, “What you seek is what you will find.” So the question is what are you seeking?
One word can be the difference between finding the love you always dreamed of or leave you wondering why you didn’t.
If you change one word in your vocabulary it will change everything.
I had a college professor that once split our class in half, assigning each group a separate mission (though we all thought our mission was the same). To the first group, he said, “Make a list of the qualities you look for in a good date.”
To the other cluster of students, he asked a slightly different question. “Make a list of the qualities you look for in a good mate.”
Ten minutes later both sides were asked to share what they came up with. A great interest arose when we discovered we had been asked slightly different questions.
With very different results.
We were shocked to find no commonality between the two lists. There was not a single characteristic that was the same. We were simply looking for two completely different persons.
What you look for is what you will find.
If I look for a fun date, I will find it. If I look for a great mate, that is what I will find.
It is no surprise then that some people never find themselves in a relationship ready for marriage. They simply aren’t looking for one.
Here’s the point. When you date, do it with purpose. Dating simply to date is a waste of your heart and your time. And it will not fulfill you. Nor will it give you what your heart longs for.
Instead, be purposeful.
When you start a relationship, evaluate it from the mindset of looking for a husband or wife. This will start to bring wonderful clarity to things. You will notice quite quickly whether you are compatible with each other. And you will have done it before you let your emotions take over and cause a heartbreak that would have been avoided if you simply used the right perspective.
In fact, it will allow you to save a friendship. One without the awkward aftertastes of a relationship gone bad.