How to Make Someone Instantly Like You
Gordon Avery
When I was a kid I loved going to my grandparents’ place out in the country of La Grande, Oregon. Exploring the forest, feeding deer, riding horses; there were plenty of adventures to fill a young boy’s day.
My favorite part though was seeing Jake.
Jake was my grandparents’ dog. And without fail, the moment we arrived he would tear out of the house and meet us in the driveway with a huge grin and his tail wagging so violently it shook his entire body.
His pure enthusiasm and joy was so infectious you couldn’t help but get excited yourself.
Have you ever wondered why out of all the animals the dog is known as man’s best friend? Why are dogs such popular pets?
Dogs know a secret.
And there is nothing that can more quickly revolutionize your life. It will change all your relationships almost instantly. People will notice. They may be confused—yet they will soon find their heart leaning in your direction.
But there is a problem:
The secret to causing people to instantly like you is so simple, so easily accomplished, that I’m afraid you won’t take it seriously. I fear that you will dismiss it as silly and insignificant.
And yet the power of this simple act literally can change your life. I have read story after story of people who used to have no friends, whose marriages were lukewarm, and who struggled in business relationships—suddenly turned around because of this one thing.
They simply started to. . .
I’m serious! How often do you receive a warm, friendly, honest smile? I am not talking about a fake smile of flattery someone might give us to sell us something we don’t want. No, I’m talking about a real authentic smile.
I dare you to try it for one week. Make a decision that you will purposely give a direct purposeful smile to someone every day. Try greeting your spouse with a big smile every morning for a week and see what happens.
A smile is powerful. It’s hard not to like someone who smiles a lot. And there is a reason why.
Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.”
That is why dogs make such a hit. They are so glad to see us that they almost jump out of their skins. So, naturally, we are glad to see them. (Dale Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People)
When you smile at your spouse they instantly feel important. And when someone makes you feel this way, you can’t help but want to be around them.
After all, we really like those who like us, don’t we?