Men’s Marriage Mistake: Our Most Common Misconception
Gordon Avery
What do men overlook the most when it comes to their idea of marriage?
If you want great advice, ask the people who do things right. This journey into the blunders we make when “tying the knot” started with a conversation I had with an incredible couple; married 20 years with two kids. Time had not weakened but strengthened their romance. I was all ears as they shared great insights into men and women’s marriage oversights.
Last week we discovered the most common mistake that women make. To break it down into a few words, it encapsulates the false idea that once we get married he’ll change. Or more accurately, I can change him.
This week, let’s take a gander at men’s most common misconception about marriage.
The mistake that a man makes is thinking she’ll never change.
She’ll always want to go out and tackle that mountain with me like when we were younger. Or she’ll always be excited for “business time” (if you know what I mean). No, she won’t. She’s had two kids and she’s exhausted.
See, unlike men, women do change. Like a grand flower garden, they are alive with intricate and beautiful nuances; growing and adapting with the seasons. 20 years down the road she will not be the same woman you first married. And yes, it seems frustrating. But that’s only because we assume she is just like us; someone who doesn’t change.
It’s easy to see this not as a feature, but a fault. What is wrong with these women? Make up your mind already. But really, it’s one of the coolest things about them.
I’ll tell you why.
First off, how much do you hate being bored? I don’t know what it is, ladies, but the idea of boredom is a terrifying prospect. It starts when we’re little boys and never changes. We are always looking for something to conquer, some way to defeat the tediousness foe.
And here’s the good news. By default, a wife solves that problem!
Inside her lies the possibility of the greatest adventure of your life. And the benefits are far beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of. But there is one thing you must do.
You must pursue her, every day. For she is a mystery—not to solve—but to delight in. A chase that never ends, yet never gets old.