Gordon Avery
roMANces: How to Romance a Man Pt. 1
Do men want romance?
We have a common portrayal of men when it comes to romance; they don’t get it and they certainly don’t want it. But what if we’re wrong?
In her best selling book For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhan asked this very thing. In her nationwide survey and countless interviews with men of all backgrounds she posed this question:
Regardless of whether you are able to plan romantic events, or whether your wife/significant other appreciates it, do you, yourself, desire romance?
The answer? In spite of age, marriage status, race, and so on 84% of men said yes, very much.
Men do want romance. Despite popular thought, we do want it. It just may look different than a candlelit dinner with slow dancing. If you want to reach deep into the heart of man and stir his heart—to romance him—you need to learn his language of romance.
So, how do you do it? Here is one idea filled with explosive potential. Dedicate yourself to this principle and you can romance a man for a lifetime:
roMANce #1: Play together.
To play with a man, to go on adventures with him, is unbelievably romantic. To join in with him in his favorite activities will produce an unreal result in his heart. He will think you are the greatest woman in the world.
Most married men don’t want to abandon their wife to do guy things, they want to do “guy things” with their wife. They want them to be their playmate. It’s no different from when they were dating. For a guy, a big part of the thrill was doing fun things together.
The woman who is having fun with her husband is incredibly attractive. If you see a woman out playing golf with her husband, I guarantee that all the other guys are jealous. Getting out and having fun together falls off in marriage because of various responsibilities, but men still want to play with their wives. (For Women Only, 147)
Go out and play. And you’ll win his heart, again and again.
What is an activity that your husband/boyfriend/male-in-your-life loves, that you could find yourself interested in this week?