roMANces: How to Romance a Man Pt. 2
Gordon Avery
How do you captivate a man? And once you have him, what can you do to ensure he continually pursues?
The answer? Romance him.
I’m serious. He longs to be romanced by you. Just not in the way you ladies want romance. The way to mesmerize his heart. . .it’s quite different.
And today, let me share with you the most profound way you can do that. (I would highly suggest that you read the Part 1 of roMANces if you haven’t yet).
roMANce #2: believe in his dreams
If you want to capture the heart of a man. . .
If you want to see the depths of his heart . . .
If you want him to draw close. . .
If you want him to be utterly captivated by you. . .
Then you must become his biggest fan.
For some strange reason, many women believe it is their job to tell their husband how stupid he is. Somehow, many of you ladies think you have been put on this earth to absolutely desolate his dreams. “You could never do something like that. What a stupid idea. . “.
What a fabulous strategy, if it’s your desire to push him away. If you criticize his dreams, that is exactly what will happen. You will find that he starts drifting away from you.
Here’s the rule of a man: If he can’t share his dreams with you, he can’t share his heart.
Why? Because he doesn’t feel safe with you. You have become dangerous to his heart. You have condemned it to live in a sun-scorched wilderness all alone.
I know, we walk around looking tough. We act as if we are “all that and a bag of chips.” But inside we’re all girly men. Men with very, very (and I’ll go ahead and break the rules of grammar and throw in another), very fragile egos.
He needs you to believe in him. And if you do, you will have a man who shows you the depths of his soul. You will have a man who lights up whenever you walk in the room. You will have a man who will want to be near you.
For you have romanced his heart. You have believed in him, even when everyone else didn’t.
Believe in him. And you will have him. Now and forever.
In what way can you encourage your man’s dreams this week?