What a Woman Really Needs to Hear from Her Man
Gordon Avery
Men, there are going to be days when she needs you. She doesn’t need you to solve any problems. She doesn’t need your wisdom and insight.
She will want you to be strong. But it’s not just his strength that she needs.
You have something that can melt the overbearing burdens of life from her shoulders and allow her heart to find the peace and comfort she longs for. She will have times when what she really needs from you is. . .
Your tenderness.
Your strong tenderness.
There will be mornings when her heart is heavy and she can’t explain the reason. Afternoons when she feels overwhelmed with burdens she doesn’t know how to carry. Evenings when all she wants to do is cry. And she has no idea why.
She does not need your wisdom (though she appreciates it).
She does not want your advice (though she knows it’s genius).
And the last thing she desires is to hear you say, “You shouldn’t feel that way.” Of course, she knows that. That isn’t the point. The point is that she does feel overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, angry, or any other confusing emotion.
She needs you to be strong for her. To be tender. Kind.
She may just need you to hold her close and not let go. To let her cry in your arms while you run your fingers through her hair. And hear you say you love her. That she is beautiful. That you are on her side. Over and over again.
To look her in the eyes and listen—intently.
During these moments what she needs to know more than anything is that you are on her side. To understand deep in her heart she is yours and you are hers. To know that she is not alone in her worries, fears, sadness, anger, or whichever emotion is attacking her soul that day.
You are her rock of comfort, and rocks don’t talk that much. But you can trust them to stay strong for you. You know they aren’t going anywhere.
Yes, what she is feeling may be irrational. It may very well be exaggerated. It probably makes no sense at all.
it. doesn’t. matter.
What matters is you holding her close. Kissing her on the forehead. Looking her in the eye and saying those words she longs to hear, “I’m with you in this.”
And she may push away. She may tell you she has too much to do. She may say that she wants her space and even walk away. But she is only saying that because she really does want you to pursue her. She really does want you to go after her. She does want you to hold her close.
I know it can be confusing. She doesn’t even know why she does it. But don’t give up. She just wants to know that you really mean it.
And as her heart melts in the safety of your resilient gentleness the waves will subside, the storm will pass, and you will have a woman who trusts you more than ever.
For you will have given her what her heart really needs—the strength of your tenderness.
(Tarah is swooning over here. Yes! *fist pump!* )